Sonia Knoblauch » Palabra del día / Word of the day

Palabra del día / Word of the day

¡Buenos días! Good morning!


Del lat. tardío essentiālis.

  1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo a la esencia. El alma es parte esencial del hombre.
  2. adj. Sustancial, principal, notable.
  3. adj. Bioquím. Dicho de ciertas sustancias o compuestos: Que no puedensintetizarse en el organismo, y por tanto deben ingerirse con la dieta.

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esencial: essential



1 essential /ɪˈsɛnʃəl/ adjective

[more essential; most essential]

: extremely important and necessary

  • As a fighter pilot, he knows that good vision is essential.
  • Reservations are essential [=necessary, needed] if you plan to eat there on a Saturday.

— often + to or for

  • The river is essential to the region's economy.
  • Food is essential [=necessary] for life.

— often followed by to + verb

  • It is essential to use the proper technique.
  • It's essential to arrive on time.

— often + that

  • It's essential that we arrive on time.

: very basic : fundamental

  • Free speech is an essential right of citizenship.
  • The essential problem with this plan is that it will cost too much.
  • There's no essential difference between the two products.


— essentially

/ɪˈsɛnʃəli/ adverb [more essentially; most essentially]

  • All action movies have essentially [=basically, fundamentally] the same plot.
  • What he says is essentially true.


— essentialness

/ɪˈsɛnʃəlnəs/ noun [noncount]


2 essential /ɪˈsɛnʃəl/ noun

plural essentials


: something that is basic or necessary : something essential — usually plural

  • the essentials for success
  • He tried to teach them the essentials of physics in just a week.
  • a computer stripped down to its essentials
  • We only had enough room to pack the bare essentials. [=the things that are absolutely necessary]